Miracle of life

When you are born into a rich family that turned poor during your childhood days, life becomes extremely hard. I have good parents but my dad was being "spoiled" by my grandparents that he are not able to face the fact for many years. Luckily, my mom took it upon herself to bring us up by being a tailor. She have to work day and night without stopping. At that time, the workmanship of a men's shirt is only MYR2.50. My eldest sister also helped a lot. She did not continue with her education even though she is a very good student. She have come out to work and help my mom in supporting our family. When I was 10 years old, my youngest sister were born. Cute bubbly little baby girl who have now a very successful lady. During this time, my mom took up a stall at the Melaka Bus Station. My eldest sister diligently help her out without complaints. She is one of the elite lady born into a poor family. If not, she would have been a fashion icon now. She can really draw and design clothes. I hope she will take it up as a hobby now that she is LOL. My mom have to make sure we have enough to eat and once or twice a year we will have a sumptuous meal. My mom is a good cook in her own way. In the environment of nothingness we grew up. Despite all this difficulty, our family always have high regards of cultural values. We are make to greet our elders, respect their decision(s) and always polite in our way. This is partly the success story of our family. To cut the story short, I grew up with a vision that I must be able to afford things that I wanted and I will no longer face this kind of hardship. I make a vow that when I completed my Form 5 at the age of 18, I will make my own money. And I am glad to say from that day onwards, I have not taken a cent from my parents. I helped to finance my family by working. I worked hard but not so smart. My first job was at a optical shop. I have a good boss who took good care of me. Then I move on to be a waitress in a restaurant. The things got ugly here because there are two bosses, they are never agreeing with each other. Both are married men without ethics. One nearly raped me and that's when I decided I have to get out of this life. Somehow I did. Thank God for showing me the way. From there, I manage to get a job with then the Renaissance Melaka. At that time, hotel reputation is very shady but I manage to convince my parents that it is changing. This is where my entrance to hospitality started.
Till now, I still believe this is a miracle to be here today.
To be continue.


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