Do you understand Karma?

I had an interesting night before. Listening to Sadhguru youtube always keep me awake till the wee hours of the morning. He said " Every idea, every thought, every emotion, every value that you have -is picked up from somewhere and it rules you from within". Suddenly it hit me. Let me ask you something if you are the believer of Karma. How often you blame karma for all the bad things that happened to you and what is the frequency of you thankful for the good things that karma bring? I am guilty of this. Whenever something good happen then I said I must be lucky or the lucky star just shine on me. But karma will always be the blame for anything that happened to be wrong or bad. Am I looking for a reason to shift this blame from me to something else? If knowing karma can help me to change for the better then I would be without pain or learning. It is not that I am sadist enough to embrace pain but when you have to cross the path, you just have to do it. Each experiences left me with something. It is again, a choice. A choice of whether I want to think it a problem or a solution. Humanity have been hypnotizing us into a creature of negativity. If anything is being bring up front for discussion, the first impulse is always the negative one. I am really blessed that I have manage to discard some of these kind of feeling, I still have to work hard in ensuring the my inner self is strong and positive. This is why Sadhguru's statement me hit me at the right place. I am what I draw out from within. I cannot blame God, the government , the friends, colleagues etc for my failure to discipline my thoughts. I must be my own creation of success.  I must be the one who take the first steps into realisation of the inner core value within me. Only by doing this I can leap into the future with a drive of positivity. Many times, I think people are wrong just because I want to be right. In our culture , being right is so important because it is also a status. A silly notion but what you are born into, you do not have control over. I can only change how I want to be by accepting and moving on as an individual that believe everything have a reason for it's birth in front of me. I just need to exhale and then the positivity will come. Do you think it is so easy? hahaha!!! No such miracle. Everyday is a battle of feelings with myself. Luckily, I master the coaching philosophy, the 9 masteries in coaching. With a clearer vision and by coaching people, this action of realisation is faster and it is also a tools to help my coachees. If I have not experience all this before, I will be just a coach doing things because of what I have been taught. The zombie coach. This is not the reason I took up coaching. I am in it for the betterment of everyone within and out of my network. This is also why I am human first before I am a coach. We are gifted with 5 senses and many different feelings. If  I have not went thru all the thick and thin, I will definately be a bad coach. I want to leave a legacy that my coachees will always achieve their dream life. If you are keen to be coach or if you think that I can be a coach for someone, drop me a line at


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