
Procrastination - is murdering your energy.

 Procrastination is can be a habit if not address immediately. People who procrastinate missed a lot of opportunities in life. They said, in order to build a habit one just need to do it 3 to 5 times. Others said that it takes about 18 to 254 days. Then what happened to all the sciences when I said that it takes second to build. This is because when I was attending a workshop that encourage us to mouth vulgar words, it just stuck with so much energy to me. I do not even think it is wrong to do so. Therefore, do procrastination needs so long?   #Wikipedia categorized this as the unwillingness to act even though they know that it is a negative consequences. Then you will ask, why one do it? Good question. Now, why do you do it then? Be honest, we have done this before and maybe in future too. However, what is the cause for people to keep doing it? Based on the research done, the following are some of the valid reasons for this habits. To me, I believe it is a secondary gain that one seek

What is Coaching?

 This is a common question asked by many people. They either do not understand or they understand but do not know the purpose.  Here are some of the explanation which is extracted from various sources :- Microsoft Bing Coaching is a form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance. The learner is sometimes call a coachee. Coaching aims to improve performance and focuses on the "here and now" rather than on the past or future. There are many different modes of coaching. *** This is not the actual explanation. As a professional coach, I am trained to concentrate on the client and only the client. My duty is to to assist the client in achieving specific goals through a series of processes. No judgement and unwarranted breach of confidentiality by clients is needed. This is the most powerful part, the rapport with clients are so strong that ever

5 Things You Never Knew About Fear

5 Things You Never Knew About Fear Without darkness, you will not know lights. Without fear, you will not have clarity. Today is the day to discover 5 things you neve knew about fear Understanding the Science of Fear.   “Fear is our survival response”, say Northwestern Medicine Clinical Psychologist Zachary Siko Let’s understand more. Fear is Physical It is something that is triggered and create a movie in your mind. In NLP , we identify this as the response of fight or flight. When you need to act immediately to an emergency, you will make the first most spontaneous move. In your choice to flight, you will already anchor fear in this process unconsciously. Your whole body will react to protect your being and this is unknown to you until it become serious. So, it is physical happening that cause unconscious fear- you will not be able to makegood decisions. Fear Can Make You Foggy While your brain is going through the identifying process, the rest of your system started

Negative Emotions

You must be wondering what happened to me right? It's been sometime since I have last written any post. Time is just speeding by when I am having fun discovering what life can brings. I believe yours is also going through a lot of exciting transformation. Some of you might already know that I am learning NLP. My purpose is pretty simple and I pay a price for that price. Is it worth the time and investment? Well! This experience it like a mature wine, it gets better overtime. This is my generalization based on somewhat knowledge about wine. Please excuse me if I have phrased it out of context. What can I bring to you for your benefits? Before I answer the what, while I am away from my blog, have you done anything of significant that you can be proud of? No need to answer but just hold those thoughts in your unconscious mind. Do you have any discovery that you are better than old self? If nothing pops up now, it's ok. It will be surfacing soon. It's good to have all your emot

Personal Breakthrough Program Coaching

  My name is Peggy Ang . I am a Personal Breakthrough Coach. I have been certified under IAC - International Association of Coaching and a NLP Practitioner. Coaching is the best way to educate ourselves into getting what we want.  They say that only people with expectation and high ambition seek a coach. This is because it helps them to achieve their goals with clarity and accuracy. Some also say that the fear of facing yourself becomes easier when you share it with people who are with you. Non judgmental hearing, seeing you as you are and feeling your emotions with empathy. Some says that companies are offering higher salaries to retain staff but still not getting any good quality. While others say that employees feel that their company does not appreciate their efforts. How to breach this gap? Coaching Breakthrough Program can be utilized towards this successful collaboration of all parties. When you are with them and looking for a coach, please contact me via WhatsApp +60123996326 f

What you seek in coaching.

  Coaching is a form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a leaner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance. This is the explanation from Wikipedia.   To a certain degree, this is accurate but the innovative way of coach assisting a client is more powerful than giving the answers. It helps the client to achieve specific goals by understanding without judgement. This is a profession that accompany their client towards solutions-based outcome.   Have you come across a time that you do not know what is the niggling feelings that is eating into you? You know you have the answers but it just not coming out. Or there were time when you are feeling very energetic and full of ides but it’s stuck inside your thoughts. Or when you have such a sensational ides but no one understand you.   Have you ever wondered what would have happened if you have engaged a coach?   A good coach does n

Coaches also need coaching

 Many people have not noticed that most of the profession are attached to a person. That person is an human being also. A surgeon cannot operate on himself no matter how professional he is. A teacher cannot teach herself on topic that is new to her. Therefore , it applies to coaches too.  As a coach, we need to be as human as possible. Be with the client(s) through their journey of growth. Some carry with them a baggage so heavy that the instant the sit with me, I am already overwhelmed. This is because like all good coaches, we stood by the client(s) state. When the client come to me, I will already have an idea of what is going to take place. But can I really know what will be the outcome? I can only say that , I am there to work with them to get the solutions that is suitable for them. Then again, do I always give them the solutions?  If you ask this question, it means you have not understand the function of a coach. You might ask, "then how can you be a good coach?". The