
Richness in Communication

Sources indicated that communication dated back as far as 500,000 BCE while some indicated that it is about 100,000 BCE. The evolution on communication is happening every zeptosecond. Big word that causes no meaning to us. But this is what makes life memorable.  A small word can change the whole situation. Then what does communication means? There are four types of Communcation which is known to us. 1. Verbal - different languages have different understanding of certain words and the tone of them too. It is pretty difficult to imagine this, but I will use a common joke that is used locally.    When a woman tells you that they don't mind. Do your really think they don't mind? Then think again.  2. Nonverbal. This is a very powerful weapon. Close your eyes now. Imagine your mother's expression when you are out of line in public. Ya! That's right. You got this. 3. Visual- By looking at things, you can speak millions of words without uttering any words. Take a look at peopl

Forgiveness is RICH.

 The funny part of life is mistakes happen when you are too careful. Am I right to say this? In my path to share and encourage growth, I need to face a lot of challenges. Thankfully, revenge is not one of them.  I learned forgiveness in hate. Surprised? Don't be. It is what you know that hurts you when you do not discover the root cause of that issue. If you are reading this, it means that you have gone through my article on "Solutions is RICH". Let's see what is there in forgiveness. 1.      Release of Negative Emotions The art of forgiveness is like opening a door to life. It allows you to let go of all the negative emotions and fill them up with compassion. You can then free yourself from the extra baggage that does not have any purpose. 2.      Healing and Emotional well-being Emotional healing is crucial to mental health. How do take survive when you are sick with hate and revengeful thoughts? You only will cause yourself more harm. If those who har

Richness in Solutions

If you are reading this, it means that you might have read my topic on "Revenge! Is this Richness of your LIFE?" The solution you are poisoned by revenge is a long journey. Since revenge does not bring anyone any benefits, let's dive into the solutions as an alternative to a better and richer life. 1. Forgiveness This comes up as the top solution to revenge. This is the most powerful tool too. It does not mean that you can forget and condone the wrongdoing. It simply means that by forgiving, you release yourself from being hurt in the future. There are more than this so please read my next posting  "Forgiveness is rich" 2. Communication Having a coaching conversation with your coach or the people that you trust might give you a clearer picture of the incident. It could just be a simple misunderstanding. If it is not attended the it becomes toxic and the pile-up of toxicity will happen. This is one of the most common reasons revenge appears in your life. 3.

Revenge! Is this Richness of your LIFE?

Revenge is the act of one inflicting or harming another who might have wronged them in the past. The desire to take revenge comes from a positive intention of getting justice for one but the act of revenge is totally a negative act and causes more harm than good. Two wrongs done make a right. The focal point of revenge branches into the following category.   1.     Intent: - An act that is fully in control of the doer with the intention to hurt and harm only.   2.     Negative emotion: - life is hard enough without positive emotion, when you add negative emotion, your life becomes tougher. Health becomes worse. Even your facial expressions become toxic.   3.     Retribution: You just wanted an answer to satisfy your own ego. If this is always other people's fault, who is the one giving them this right? THINK!   4.     Cyclical Nature: Revenge is cyclical nature. Your revengeful act will not have any ending. In the end, you are just looping and looping. The hurt

What is your awareness of life?

After attending today's event by Winston Chew on Emotional Excellence in Coaching. I decided to share this piece of my thoughts . Definition of Life: Life can indeed be defined as the existence of an individual human being or animal. It's the sum of experiences, consciousness, and the passage of time. Living Life: Living life is a highly personal and subjective experience. Different people have different ways of approaching it. Some seek adventure, others prioritize stability, and some might even find solace in simplicity. How one lives life depends on their values, beliefs, and circumstances. Knowledge and Life: It's true that we don't have all the knowledge about life, and there's always something new to learn. However, the pursuit of knowledge and self-discovery is an essential part of the human experience. We learn from our experiences, from others, and from seeking knowledge actively. Challenges and Choices: Life can indeed be challenging, and people fac

What have you taken for granted?

 Monkey see, monkey do. Many people use this sentence but failed to notice that they themselves are an example to the people around them. This is because I was also one of the monkeys until I started to pay attention with clarity on all my actions and speech. Let me tell you a story. This is the story between my grandniece and her teacher. Teacher: What is the taste of apples? My grandniece: it is salty. Teacher: was shocked. Then the teacher was curious and asked her parents thinking that my grandniece could have some confusion in taste.  Do you know why? It is because her grandma always soaks the apples in salt water before letting them consume the apples. You see. this is what happened. When a good intention changes the nature of anything.  Therefore, if you come across any disagreements - always get the story from the horse's mouth.

Learning - is it necessary?

 Learning - is good. But using your knowledge is more important. What makes me say this? I went into full learning mode during pandemic because of the need to upskill myself. I have never been so intense in learning since I was super busy with family and business. Guess pandemic stopped me from dying of exhaustion and take time to smell the flowers. How many of you can resonate with this. Based on historical data humans were hunters and gathers, children are the source of which work, and play is a combination of how one live. When Revolution hit the globe, people are sent to work in the agriculture lands and manufacturing plants. This in turn created landowners and lords. Next came the education system which happened during the 17th century, and it evolved into what we identify as the structure for education now. Then competition was put in as a form of test and exams. A scary phase for a lot of people which caused a lot of nail-biting situations. Depression, hatred, jealousy etc start