Growing is easy

 Have you ever wonder how you become who you are now? But...... you might not dare to grow further? You want success but you don't want success. Who understand this?

I used to think that this kind of issues should only come from a nincompoop. Well! you are looking at one reformed nincompoop now. I was chasing success and comply to all the needs to be the best in my industry. Sacrifice everything to have this little glimpse of hope. When the opportunities came, I froze. I go into self doubts. I become scare of success. Funny right. But that is how exactly it is. The fear of being very successful is so unreal and I kept telling myself, I can do it. But something is still missing all the time. The heart of this success is missing.

In my chase for recognition , I forgot who I am. I forgot about the purpose of having a life that I love to live. I even forgot, what makes me work non stop chasing after perfection.

Then the discovery begin about 10 years ago. The time , I was lost and searching for answers. A dear friend introduced me to a meditation session and that's when the answers began to surface. When I started the course, I was very scare. I was thinking what if this and what if that. In some way, I was grateful that I did not see what I wanted to see - my inner self. How many of you have this kind of experience? You are so excited that you might find a goal mine inside you but you are having more doubts and fear.

Fast forward, I did what I need to do. Never stop learning and always find out which method is good for me. If you have read the articles I have written, you will understand where I am coming from. My English is so-so, my grammar - what's that but my heart is in the content. That's what I want to bring to you. The heart of everything. Being a coach really make me see things so clearly and I am in control of my life.

Like writing articles and blogs, I always feel that I am not good enough. Even now I still feel that way. This is because I am a human. But the beauty part of it is , I no longer let it be the obstacles towards doing things I love like sharing some photos or video with some contents in #cloudstory and writing articles. People will comments no matter how good you are. Just move out of the persona and be yourself. If you want to do anything, go ahead and give it a go. Life is waiting for you.

Tame your monkey mind and you will be the boss of your life. I am. Hope to see you becoming one. Dare to GROW!


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