Mirroring yourself

How many of you actually look into the mirror and appreciate what you have? Do you know what a beauty you are? Do you know your own potential?

Many people like to idolized someone but forgot that they are not going to be like the other no matter how hard they try. They live in dissolution and always blaming everything except their own eye sight.

What makes me say this? Well! Because I was like that. I used to admire people with things that I do not have. I discredited my own ability. Yes, I might not be as good at the other person but nothing should stop me from going all the way for it. Is it too late to do so now? There is never too late. Everyone has the same number of hours in a day. Everyone age no matter how old they are now. Therefore, what is stopping one from achieving this?

No one have the power to stop you if you know what you want. The question remains with that individual. Today’s webinar with @AndreaZsapka give me a reason to clear up some air. There are coaches and there are coaches. So, what are this coaching doing to that individual? Are they there to lend a hand or are they there to ensure you know which hand to use?

As a coach, my only passion is to ensure that my client(s) will be able to walk their journey spontaneously and eagerly. They must not fizzle like the sparkling juice bubbles that goes flat after being left alone for some time. Then, they might not need me anymore, right? My answer is yes. Because with each successful session, I hope the I can reach more people than one person with more hours. I just want to be their temporary mirror of their success which they are inspired to drive forward. I wish to see each reach a place of recognition that they want for themselves. My pride is to watch them achieve their dreams. No dreams are too big as long as it is what their inner strength blossom to the fullest.

Am I going to see more people inspired by their own vision? I really do not know the answer. My only prayer is that all coaches will give their best to ensure their clients always are independent to live their life after each session. People who seek for coaching are people who knows they will still need one when their success is going in a new level. They do not hang on the need of a coach as compulsory but as a compliment to their wisdom.

I encourage everyone to look for coaches that really give you clarity on your own vision. Mirroring your vision in silent while you took the whole decision with confident.

I might not know the next journey but I definitely looking forward to the adventure of exploring the next. We only have one life and living it abundantly will be the best present for ourselves. I did and discover the beauty of seeking out through coaching and being coach what I might still left undiscovered. 


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