What is Abundance?

 This is a question that some might ask. It is such a meaningful word that will only give purpose when it is fully understood. Therefore, what does abundance mean to you.

From my own point of view. It means that I have to be passionately reflecting on whatever is popping in my monkey mind. Not all learning flow in like a breeze, fresh and sweet. However, the spices of life is to appreciate the ability to see and listen to voices that are giving essence to growth. In fact, the worst scenario gives me the best lesson in life.

I learned to stop instance reaction at time of chaos. At time when people think they are giving you good advice which is truly appreciated. However, we all have our own life even though you might be in the same home or in the same environment. Learning to take proactive action of "Listen, evaluate and act."

It is not easy because most people think they know what is best for you. What makes me say this? Well! I was the same before I embark on the coaching journey. I think that if I do all that I think good and teach the other person what is meaning of life, I will have save them. Oh ! I was so arrogant right?

To help people to grow, I must be a good coach. The purpose of enlightenment is to realise that I am human. I am able to coach people in a way that they also realised that they are human with richness in thoughts and feeling. That they have their own thoughts and they have their own values. In expressing these, they do not need to combat with what is right or wrong. They just need to understand that there are no two persons that is a perfect fit. Even identical twins have different characteristic.

So,who you want to be? When the word abundance is thrown around in conversation,I like you to ask 3 second soul questions. Just find the answer whether it is as verb or a noun to you.

My abundance is simple but not easy. In my abundance, I appreciate the value of others while learning to see the goodness in all actions. I extract what is reasonable and doable in any circumstances. Added to this is the processing of slicing my ego.Is that all? No, there are more because abundance is a journey for me. I will share as I write in my article.

I wish everyone find the answer to their abundance. Find your true North and be the best in being you.


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