Self Respect.

 I was writing on two other topics and decided to abandon that when this pop up. Monkey mind does have it's advantage when you tame it towards a certain direction. Mine is starting to bloom in ways that I will call this as focus.

In my daily life, there are many expectation. In a recent movie, I am again put into a spot where women have to choose career or family. Family, meaning the full fledge wife and mother with no room for career. These women can work as long as they are home for their children until a day they all grown up and leave home. In some companies they do not encourage pregnancy. They have many ways of doing it because it is still legally right to place a women into cold storage when she cannot travel for business. Do you think in this era there should be more understanding towards the women caught in this kind of dilemma?

Now, hold your horses and don't bite me yet. I am just thinking what can women in this kind of situation do. I am not advocating that we go full storm into protest. It is indeed a 360 degree support that is needed. The family have to contribute towards taking care of the children if the mother are being benchmark for a career path that she wanted. The company, though it is not unreasonable do you think they can at least make some adjustment on traveling arrangements?

I am lucky because I put my life on hold when I had my daughter. I love every moment of it although it can be very difficult at times. I do have the flexibility and support from my family but as a mother, I am fully concentrated on making sure I have every moment with her. Well! 90% of the moment is good enough since life was tough and I need to make a living. I will call myself blessed because from the day that she is conceived, I am always happy. I talked and have discussions with her during the pregnancy that I build the habit of self talk. After she was born, I keep practicing it even though I have weird expression when I do it in public. I just carry on as usual because I do not owe anyone anything. I know she will understand and as she grows, these practices proofed to be effective in her her an explanation to things that is new to her. I am glad I did that because after 21 years, she proof to have listened to all the sharing all those time. So, who says baby do not understand anything. She should have her key at 21 but I have not lock the door since the day she was born. She have her own wisdom and make her own choice. I trust her decision and she do not need the key. Counting down to celebrate my daughter's birthday is the greatest gift ever.

I am not sure how many of you have the same experience whether as a mom or dad or even family members who practices what I did. I must say, the best suffering that is sweetest for me is having the time to see her grow into someone she wants to be.

I wishes all parents have the best of their children time when they are growing up. There are no same moment. You only have that one moment every time.

Therefore, please get back your self respect if you are not treated properly for being a mother or a father during your children growing up phase. You deserve the honor. Salute to all parents.


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