
Showing posts from 2022

Reflections of your life.

Reflections of your life ! In this case, I am doing this reflections so that you can start your engine into doing yours. How often do you do this? I came across this method of clearing my days about a few years ago. Why I do not remember when? This is what happened, I clear off my mind from needing to put a date for change. I just reflect on every situation after it happened. This way, things are easier to managed and painful experience become a learning. Being human do not give me an excuse to forgive myself whenever I took any comments negatively. Our subconscious mind has a super powerful tool assisted by the monkey mind. I have been living in this for so long that some of them I took it in as a habit. The not so good examples as below:- 1. “What they think of me when I do this and not that? 2. “The situation is all their fault(s)” 3. “If I have ……...” Do you agree with me that these are all in the past? Whether it is good or bad, it is done with and should be deal imm

What is your success?

  I have been attending so many courses that I thought I know everything. The best part of this is, I really do not know what I thought I know. Do I consider myself successful? What is your thought on this?   I certainly discover that in life, there are many ways to a solution. I have written an article about my friend’s fear of attending a dinner with me. I repented and the surprising part of it is he see the values of my unintentional response. Do I expect this? No. But I have been using coaching methods on many occasions and this jab just came spontaneously. Hey! I am only human. Anyway, the good news is that he did join us for the dinner and was pretty happy too. In fact, he was so relaxing   in that environment.   In these circumstances, I consider myself failed in addressing the spur of the moment response which might be rude or hurtful. On the other hand, my friend gain insight of life in pandemic is living the fear out. Or should I said he decided to leave the fear out when

Action or reaction?

  Action or reaction?   I was pondering on what can I write about today. I did not continue to write because I was busy with personal activities that needs constant traveling. An excuse which does not make sense but with so much floating in my mind, I guess it is time to pen it down.   The topic today is Action or reaction. I find this interesting because there are so many ways to see this. In the there are so many explanations which intrigue me. Now, this is one I like most because it relates to what I want to share today.   Action is an act that one consciously wills and that may be characterized by physical or mention activities. Reaction is a reverse movement or tendency: an action in a reverse direction or manner.   Based on this, it means that one is using the thought thinking process while the other is a spontaneous act. Which is more useful when you are making a big decision? Some will say Action while others might choose Reaction. Is that all? No

Wrong or right?

Life presents itself to us without expectation. Humans are the one that put layers after layers of philosophy to prove that they are right. In the world of intellectuals, to be seen as uneducated is viewed as an embarrassment. If you are having this kind of thoughts then it is time to discard it. You will only be learning more when you are looking at something you do not know and clearly admit it. After a while, it becomes a habit I call learning. Many disagreements arise from just this simple situation. What makes me say this? Well! If you have read my posting or articles, you would understand that I do not post things that I have not experienced before. I used to have such a big ego that to be right is the only way towards success. Gradually, I learned to accept that my right is just one very small segment of the whole situation. It is more of an ego boosting process which has no lasting effect or the hand me down education that I have - The boss is always right. Now that I have let

Are you thinking?

  I do not mean to be rude when I asked are you thinking. It is something that I do intensely since my holidays started. I used to be a very busy person and all of a sudden, I took 3 months off to be with my daughter. I was never a homebody and from the time my girl was born, I was always juggling time to ensure that I have time reserve for my daughter. However, my job as a travel agent bring me out of town most of the time. She is left on her own and somehow that have trained her to be independent. This is good for me because even though I am away from her, I know that she will always be responsible for her own life. Now I have so much time in hand that it does not matter whether it is sunrise or sunset. Most important thing is that every moment I am spending on enjoying the things I do. I started to cook for my daughter, clean up the place she rented and doing what mother can do in her ability. I am good at my career managing companies and coaching individual. This is really a new ta

One world, different clouds.

  Interesting on how people view things from different background of teaching. I said teaching because, most of us are taught to think. Of late, I began to realized that many people are thinking on the same line and feel that nothing new to learn from anymore. When one incident happened, the whole nation goes into chaos because another country is doing something about it. I think many will just follow because do not want to look stupid. Do you think it is right or wrong? You could be wondering where I am going with this article after my inconsistent of posting. My sincere apology because I gave my lap top a holiday when I am on holiday. I just happened to borrow some time with my daughter's laptop and decided to write. Anyway, I was very curious about how I live my life before. This is an enlightening time for me as I just celebrated my daughter's 21st birthday. In other words, I can fully trust her to manage her life with wisdom because it is her to own. This nostalgia time br

Keep Shining

 I have never taken a holiday, the holiday where I do what I want and go where I want to go. I started with one long holidays for 3 months beginning of November 2021. Pandemic taught me a few lessons and some I am still learning. This is the first time I took 3 months off doing nothing except occasional coaching session. To me, coaching people towards success is not a job or a career but a mission to create a coaching culture in my community. As a coach, my promise to myself is to see that my clients face their problems with eagerness because they know they have the solutions. First and foremost, it taught me to appreciate the nature. I have not reached a stage where I am doing great things but I learned to view things as it come. Things are always beyond expectation when I do not expect anything at all. Isn’t this great. Secondly, I reflect on the things said and done every time I feel that I could have done it in another way. Better? Not necessarily but it really gives me a different

Which is what?

I used to post #cloudstory when I was home but now the clouds are rare occasions in Groningen. The expression of sky is so mysterious and the wind is blowing them away aggressively. The best of everything is to have and enjoy the moment. With the lockdown looming with the hike in the cases, I have the opportunity to chill out and test with my skill on sketching. Therefore, you will notice the difference in the actual between a real painting and my sketching. That is the main purpose of life. To be who you are is to appreciate what you have and use your talents to the fullest. In my coaching session, a wonderful participants keep putting the things he done as below average. Now, let me ask you a question. When you compare yourself to others, what are you looking at? What you want to achieve with this comparison? What is your feeling after that? Answer your 3 second soul questions. Any longer time taken to answer these questions are the decisions made by the monkey mind. Authenticity