
Showing posts from 2021

There is always a story to tell.

  Have you ever come across an incident that you could not get over the fact that someone can do it better than you? Now be honest. I do. That was when I acted as all humans do. Now I paused a while and then shifted my view from why to what. Yes. Seek my monkey mind and then process it to the situation. Every conversation always comes clean to deliver a message or share an idea. Simple right? Now, what makes it into an argument or disagreement? There are an estimated 60,000-80,000 thoughts per day. Wow!!! We are all such impressive machines. But how many people put those ideas into action and how many people The monkey mind silencer is what everyone can have. Therefore, what makes it so difficult to do so. I know it is something the owner of the thoughts can take control of because I have tested this. Am I perfect then? My kakak (sister) shared an article The Leaking bucket which I reflected that I am not perfect. I must also change so that the whole environment change. This process wi

The art of saying NO.

  This is a very interesting topic. When I started to work, I am without any good certification except an average grade in SPM. For those who are not familiar with Malaysia’s education during my era let me give you a brief on this. It is compulsory for all children of age 7 to start education for six years primary and five years secondary. We complete our education at the age of 17 years old. After that some will leave for overseas to further their study while others will stay back in the local university. It was a costly expenditure for most family at that time. The last year which is also the Form Five year, it is compulsory to sit for a life time opportunity exam namely SPM. If you score then maybe you can get scholarship from private firm or our government. I was an average student and have never really known the reason to study hard. Working seems to be the only alternative I have. I have made a vow that I will not use any money from my family when I graduated at the age of 17 yea

Mindset Beauty

  When I first arrived in Groningen for spending valuable time with my daughter, I did not have any expectation. I learned through self coaching, acceptance of the moment is the most valuable assets I have. Everything becomes a new experience. Departure gate in KLIA was such a sorry situation. A beautiful gigantic peaceful airport suddenly become a grave yard of emotion. To add damage to situation, my departure time is midnight which added the sense of nostalgia seeing this beauty turns into such a painful for experience. Everything is closed and I kept wondering when our glory will come back. When will people start to travel and start to invest in Malaysia? I hope there is going to be a huge wake up calls to ensure we get back our pride and joy revitalizing Malaysia together as a nation who care for our country. The experience of arriving into DOHA airport is a total different atmosphere. Everywhere is full of people and bustling with live. This is helping the situation in the pandemi

Self Respect.

  I was writing on two other topics and decided to abandon that when this pop up. Monkey mind does have it's advantage when you tame it towards a certain direction. Mine is starting to bloom in ways that I will call this as focus. In my daily life, there are many expectation. In a recent movie, I am again put into a spot where women have to choose career or family. Family, meaning the full fledge wife and mother with no room for career. These women can work as long as they are home for their children until a day they all grown up and leave home. In some companies they do not encourage pregnancy. They have many ways of doing it because it is still legally right to place a women into cold storage when she cannot travel for business. Do you think in this era there should be more understanding towards the women caught in this kind of dilemma? Now, hold your horses and don't bite me yet. I am just thinking what can women in this kind of situation do. I am not advocating that we go f


 This is needed every second of the day. From the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. Interestingly, it can also be frustrating as well as motivating. What could be the reason for this? For me it is because there are too many choices I used to be extremely busy and every decision make based on the time I have to spend on each task or thoughts. When I took a career break and decided to embark on coaching, these decision making should be easier right? That’s what I thought too. But it is definitely untrue. I always assigned time for my participants for coaching first before I decide on making other arrangements. However, this can sometime be difficult too. When a participant has some emergency, I am left with a void. Now what should I do? I used to just take another coffee break or start to snacking until the next session. Good decision? Not really. This is because the time I spend preparing myself for the coaching session is not fruitful at all. As a coach, I can only prepare my

What is Abundance?

  This is a question that some might ask. It is such a meaningful word that will only give purpose when it is fully understood. Therefore, what does abundance mean to you. From my own point of view. It means that I have to be passionately reflecting on whatever is popping in my monkey mind. Not all learning flow in like a breeze, fresh and sweet. However, the spices of life is to appreciate the ability to see and listen to voices that are giving essence to growth. In fact, the worst scenario gives me the best lesson in life. I learned to stop instance reaction at time of chaos. At time when people think they are giving you good advice which is truly appreciated. However, we all have our own life even though you might be in the same home or in the same environment. Learning to take proactive action of "Listen, evaluate and act." It is not easy because most people think they know what is best for you. What makes me say this? Well! I was the same before I embark on the coaching

Growing is easy

  Have you ever wonder how you become who you are now? But...... you might not dare to grow further? You want success but you don't want success. Who understand this? I used to think that this kind of issues should only come from a nincompoop. Well! you are looking at one reformed nincompoop now. I was chasing success and comply to all the needs to be the best in my industry. Sacrifice everything to have this little glimpse of hope. When the opportunities came, I froze. I go into self doubts. I become scare of success. Funny right. But that is how exactly it is. The fear of being very successful is so unreal and I kept telling myself, I can do it. But something is still missing all the time. The heart of this success is missing. In my chase for recognition , I forgot who I am. I forgot about the purpose of having a life that I love to live. I even forgot, what makes me work non stop chasing after perfection. Then the discovery begin about 10 years ago. The time , I was lost and sea

Scary but worth it.

  Finally after months of lockdown, I can finally visit my daughter in Groningen, The Netherland. Many people asked me, are you afraid of exploring the unknown? I used to fall into the trap of what other people think and what other people say. I now realised that many people think what they know and what they think is good for them should be good for me. Many things I will have done it if I have not been influenced by this stigma of reality which is still controlling many people of our society. How I let go of all this and just use the information shared as an exploration? Coaching helps. The door of opportunity is never closed but most people allowed the monkey mind to play havoc to their decisions. What will happened if I did not take the advise of others? Will I failed faster or will I succeed? This remain a mystery because the past is just a reminder that I have a life worth exploring. On many occasions, my clients (some of us address them as coachee but this word is still new in t

Mirroring yourself

How many of you actually look into the mirror and appreciate what you have? Do you know what a beauty you are? Do you know your own potential? Many people like to idolized someone but forgot that they are not going to be like the other no matter how hard they try. They live in dissolution and always blaming everything except their own eye sight. What makes me say this? Well! Because I was like that. I used to admire people with things that I do not have. I discredited my own ability. Yes, I might not be as good at the other person but nothing should stop me from going all the way for it. Is it too late to do so now? There is never too late. Everyone has the same number of hours in a day. Everyone age no matter how old they are now. Therefore, what is stopping one from achieving this? No one have the power to stop you if you know what you want. The question remains with that individual. Today’s webinar with @AndreaZsapka give me a reason to clear up some air. There are coaches and there

Heavenly Pardon Day

  Since today is heavenly pardon day, I seek forgiveness if I have invoke intentionally or unintentionally in my articles. It is purely my sharing of experiences and it might invoke some pain to people who were somehow affected by my sharing. Well! the secret of my success is not knowing what is success to me. To me it is a sin since I have such a beautiful gift that I call life. Learning to appreciate it is not something easy when all the emotion are outsourced. I used to think that, to love someone is the greatest gift ever. Then I discover that this is not true. By loving them unconditionally, I have cocoon them into dependency and lack of drive to proceed. I only realised that to love unconditionally, one have to start loving yourself. Not selfish kind of love but a pure respect kind of love. Through this kind of practices only, one can share love because of the abundance. It will only grow within and embrace others. If you have not notice it yet, then it is good to give it a chanc

Coaching Rocks

  I decided that my past experiences are unavoidable and it only will cause more harm than good. When I join @  in her free courses, I immediately know what I am missing. I have the opportunity of attending her free courses about 5 years ago. At that time, I just go for the sake of knowing something about fungshui. During that time, I was not ready to see and rescue myself from that situations. Maybe. at that time her courses was also mostly on fungshui. However, life take a turn with the pandemic. I began to see life differently. When a good friend pass away, his words engraved in my mind. He said “ Before you die, LIVE” .I start to ask the questions on many things that I dare not ask before. I thought that what is gone is forever gone. Walao! (Chinese experiences of amazement in a different tone), what I have missed. Thankfully, she came out to give many more free courses with insight into what I was thinking. Is it a miracle happening or is it j

Coaching Values to ME

  If you have to dream , then work at your dream. In Mandarin "梦想“ (pronounce as Meng Xiang ). To me it means , I have a dream that I must realized. Dreams teach me a lot because it is me making decisions internally. The trick is to know your dreams translation. This bring me to topic of not knowing what and how to effectively execute my personal social media. The main reason lie in me. I do social media posting to encourage and motivate people including myself. It is my hope that through the many posting, someone can seek me out to support them using the coaching methods. On the other hand, it will also be beneficial to me. The issues arises from the acceptance level of people on coaching. I will share with you my fear of coaching even now and how I solve them. 1. Ego journey - I believe I am an egoist by practice. Now I keep throwing out by ego whenever possible and that open up the flow to limitless possibilities. 2. Fear of wrong - in my culture being wrong is such an embarra

Passive actively Prosper.

  Dare to be different? Dare to fail again? Dare to walk out and face risks?  All these were my failure factors because I only dare to do it internally. I am lucky to be rescue by situation and 贵人(mentor in life) that make me who I am today. A persons that defy the law of not being normal. Facing the pandemic, holding on to a job is solutions to most. But I decided to let go of a good job and jump into something waiting for me . For the past 5 years, I have been too busy to explore my life and my finances. Pandemic give me the reason and the values of risk empowerment. Why I said risk empowerment? It is because I went into the investment with my eyes open and my brain working. I have evaluated. I like you to check your kitty and see whether you have achieve the following :- 1. risk % is yours to manage. 2. 3% and above profit sharing every 5 weeks in comparison FD only give 1.5% every 1 month and you have to be tie down with an amount. 3. Liquidity 4. 24/7 sharing available 5. most im

Time to grow

  How often we do things that we love? How will you decide when to do it? When you have done those things that you love, what will grow for you? As for me, I have the chance to explore the world(virtually) thankfully I saw the vast opportunity the lockdown caused. Without the need to travel and wasted time in the traffic, it gives me more time to myself.  It is bad and good at the same time. hahaha!!! you think that you can enjoy things and then you noticed that it is just a dream fulfilled so easily. Then I move on to discover things and activities that I have never do before like muay thai , archery, art jamming and the list goes on. This is how I handle my lockdown so that I can see what to bring to tourism when we are open for tourism. How are you handling this change to the new Attending Virtual PATA Annual Summit 2021 indeed is good way to look future traveling pattern. Countries are rushing up to get everything ready to welcome tourists and have a foot into the SDG. Solutions, t


 当我走上人生的道路时,我遇到了很多未知的事物。我正在寻找某种东西,而某些东西总是在变化。可能是因为我没有理由坚持,但因为它充满了我的人生旅程。 !我喜欢做很多事情,并且喜欢每一件事,直到持续下去。之后,我让自己继续前进。现在回想起来,我成功地设计了许多公司,但是当我离开时,它们都倒闭了。问题在于所有老板都很友好,以至于他们只依靠我来建立业务。没有继任计划,因为他们认为我会永远存在。没有额外的财务支持,因为他们希望我继续挖掘金山,并且无需扩展。扩张需要时间和投资。因此,我被尽最大可能使用传统方法来管理我所拥有的一切。所以当我决定放弃并辞职时。他们刚刚关闭了公司。可悲的是,但这就是人生的旅程。美丽的事物仍然必须结束。但是,美丽的友谊永远存在,为此,我感谢所有朋友,无论您身在何处。 当你不明白的话,可以去我的 请原谅我的华文字体,传不是用Google Translate 的。 My first translation.


 I have the opportunity of residing in a lovely neighborhood. When I first shifted here, everyone is young and having young children. After 20 odd years, the children are now all adults. Cars for each family began to increase and the parking space became scarce. If you have four children, then you have min 5 cars. One house can take in at most 4 cars. Another car will be at the road side. Each house share one lot, macam ni matilah. Good neighbors is every important.  Now, what will be your solutions. 1. Don't buy car? 2. Share parking lots or fight one? 3 car pool? *This was done but not successful. Let's hope after pandemic it will be successful because more people WFH. The other alternative is to engage a company that can install double decker parking bays. This will increase the parking bays for each house to at least 4 if you are living in a smaller house and 8 if you are living in a bigger house. If this can be done in bulk then the price will be super cool right? But what

Self Coaching.

Self Coaching The value of being yourself when no one is there for you Time flies when I am having fun. Fun in finding out what I don't like and what I like. Was I wrong in making decision or right? This is another Billion dollars questions. Now let me ask you, have you ever have it in your gut that you are 100% right? If you have, congratulations and everything should be flowing your way. I make very good decisions but I cannot control the outcome and I wanted to control that. It is indeed a wrong choice. But.........I learned again to let go. I just do what I can, that is defend my decisions and let go of the needs. It is really to good to have this choice. Give it a go if you are stuck in the same position as mine. 2 Courtesy of:

Europe I am coming.

  Don't Trust ME, Trust YOURSELF. First thing first:- Whether I like it or not, the time will keep ticking on. Vaccination is compulsory for travel to be possible. Dying is the other alternative which nobody can control, therefore this is not a point for consideration. Second thing:- Plan your trip with me. I am embarking on the road map learning the places to visit. Adventure journey :- Minimum 30 days, Maximum 90 days(given by respective country that I am visiting) Budget:- Enough to learn the real life of traveling without baggage. Target:- Look at the map and start planning. 1st Stop Schiphol Airport.

What is your world like?

I n this world of dogs eat dogs, many things remain unclear. Therefore to be actually enjoying trust and peace, LOOK INTO YOURSELF. Most of the time, we think and act differently to suit the situation. This created a very "fake"  world for many. If you look back, how will you survive if you did not do what you need to do instead of what you want to do? What will be your choice then and what is your choice now. Who will be there for you if you are one who lie through your teeth to get what you wanted to achieve. This pandemic gives us a lot of opportunities to look at "the polisher" and also the "polished". Those who are not doing either it is what I call "ME". You might not be successful yet but you will. Please be genuine and find out what is in YOU that needs investing on.